Vehicle servicing is very important to ensure your vehicle runs efficiently, lasts you longer and most crucially is reliable. It is advised to get your vehicle serviced annually, to ensure all components are working properly, replacing the engine oil and various filters will ensure your vehicle runs smoothly.
If your vehicle is under the manufacturer’s warranty you are still able to get it serviced at independent garages as long as the correct quality of parts have been used (including main dealer parts). Manby Motors are able to obtain the servicing schedules that the manufacturers would be using so this can be done without the main dealer price tag!
Manby Motors have created their own service menu which exceeds all manufacturer’s services and covers all the main components that need replacing or examining. The service schedules created highlights any issues that need addressing immediately or in the near future. They operate on a traffic light system which is easy to understand what problems need addressing first.

If you would like to book your vehicle in for any of the services below or discuss with our team then please call us on 01507 327222 today.